This guidance document was prepared as part of the KWF Dutch Cancer Society entitled “Tumor-First workflow: Nationwide implementation of ovarian cancer heredity prescreening, to stratify both genetic testing and treatment options”. Within this project, work package 2 focuses on the preconditions and quality of the test, as well as on its reporting.
For a practical translation into daily practice, consensus was sought with the professionals involved. In February 2021, a survey was distributed to clinical scientists in molecular pathology, clinical laboratory geneticists, and pathologists from all the university medical centers (UMCs) and the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Netherlands Cancer Institute (AVL) regarding ovarian carcinoma testing for the presence of known cancer predisposition genes and related reporting and organization. This inventory was used as a basis for developing a set of recommendations, which were submitted to clinical scientists in molecular pathology, clinical laboratory geneticists, pathologists, and clinical geneticists in May 2021. These recommendations and the percentage of respondents who agreed with them have been included as an appendix to this document (only available in Dutch). These recommendations and the resulting discussions form the basis of this guidance document.